Saturday, January 30, 2010


So we went to Muizenberg beach yesterday which is 20 mins from my house. It was the first time that we rode the train and the whole time I felt that people were staring at us. I am not sure if I am just overly paranoid or if indeed people kept checking us out- its probably a combination of both, but we were definitely the only white people on the train. Anyways Muizenberg is the birthplace of surfing in South Africa and it was the first time that I had touched the Indian ocean!! The wind was crazy and the surf was really rough so I didn't swim, but some others did. To protect ourselves from the sand wind storms we laid behind little houses which surfers rent out to store their stuff and when we went to leave we noticed that the shark flag had been put up indicating that a shark was recently spotted!!! Later on next week some kids are going shark diving. That sounds like my worse nightmare.

Today we took a break day because it feels like we have been going non-stop. Its not necessarily physically tiring but more mentally tiring. From meeting millions of new people to always watching my purse and noticing who is around me
I feel that I've been on heightened alert all the time that I'm in public. Its just so weird to always be tied to what other people are doing at night because I wouldn't dare go anywhere at night by myself. Going for a run with my ipod seems like such a luxury.

I'm excited because tomorrow we get to sleep in and then are going to the Kirstenbosch gardens to walk around and then picnic at an open air concert.

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