Friday, February 12, 2010

leave it to me.

I knew it was only a matter of time before I lost something, and today was the day. (And unfortunately I’m sure it won’t be the last). After my class on liberation in South Africa, I went with my friends to get some coffee before we went on the bus to Cavendish to buy some shoes. We walked around the mall for what seemed like decades, in desperate need of sandals. The only sandals I have are athletic flip-flops which are entirely out of place here. However, as you might know, shopping and me do not get along, and I quickly grew tired of trying on shoes that looked absolutely ridiculous to me. Gold shoes with sequins, or diamonds are not particularly my cup of tea. The mall was huge and without a store directory (this is Africa, remember?), the scattered shoe stores were mighty hard to locate. Feeling very discontented with the shopping selection, my mind wandered elsewhere and all of a sudden I realized I was no longer in possession of my sunglasses. In South Africa sunglasses are not a mere accessory, they are of utmost necessity because of the blinding and fierce sun. Anticipating the intensity of the sun before I left, I had asked for a real pair of sunglasses for Christmas. Somewhere between getting coffee and walking around to god knows how many shoe stores, I had lost my sunglasses. Never mind all of the robbers and high crime in South Africa, just leave it to me to lose track of all my stuff. We continued to walk around the mall for a bit but the whole time I was thinking about where I might have put them down. The only store where I had actually tried my luck at trying on any shoes was the very first store. And, if they weren’t there, they could have been left at the coffee stand. We went back to the first shoe store and I looked around, but they were nowhere to be found. Then I asked one employee if any sunglasses had been turned in and she said no. I figured that I must have left them at the coffee place. Then as we were leaving I saw another employee and decided off hand to ask her if any sunglasses had been turned in and she said she would look behind the counter. She opened some cabinet and pulled out MY sunglasses. By some small miracle, in the land of crime and robbery, I was reunited with my pretty expensive (okay, very expensive) sunglasses. After finding my sunglasses I was done for the day. No more shopping, please.

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